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South Australian Bird Habitats


With the Murray River extending through much of South Australia, the many wetland areas provide ample opportunity for quality birding. These sites can deliver over 50 species themselves including: Australian Darter, Australian Shelduck, Blue-billed and Freckled Duck, Straw-necked and Australian White Ibis, Rainbow Bee-eater, Little Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Australian Spotted Crake, Sacred Kingfisher and in the summer months an assortment of waders. 

The surrounding vegetation provides a consistent flow of Parrots, Honeyeaters and other bush birds making these visits a delight.


Often called "Mallee Scrub", this uniquely Australian vegetation is home to some of our most sought after species. The reserves close to Adelaide are no exception often delivering such gems as Emu, Australian Ringneck, Mulga Parrot, Bluebonnet, Variagated and Splendid Fairywren, Crested Belbird, Masked and White-browed Woodswallow, Hooded and Red-capped Robin, White-winged Chough, Brown Tree-creeper, Chestnut Quail-thrush, Purple-gaped Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, Gilberts Whistler, Shy Heathwren and Southern Scrub-robin.


Often associated with parks and rivers, the urban wetlands around Adelaide offer supurb birding in many locations. Here we find a good selection of waterbirds particularly in the months of October to April when the Northern Hemisphere waders arrive. Expect to see an assortment of Ducks, Cormorants, Herons and Spoonbills. Dusky Moorhen, Black-tailed Native-hen Australian Spotted, Spotless and Baillon's Crake. Dotterels, Plover and an abundance of associated bushland birds.



Around the Adelaide region there is a rich diversity of woodland and forest habitats. Here we often encounter Brown Falcon, Australian Owlet-nightjar, Restless Flycatcher, Purple-crowned, Musk and Rainbow Lorikeet, Beautiful and Red-browed Firetail, Brown and White-throated Tree-creeper, Scarlet Robin, Eastern Spinebill, Crescent and White-naped Honeyeater and Crested Shrike-tit. In some specialty locations, there is also a good chance for Chestnut-rumped Heathwren and Southern Emu-wren, Golden and Rufous Whistler, and Superb Fairy-wren.


With Adelaide uniquely positioned in a gulf, the coastal habitats are exceptional for quality birding. The Mangrove areas are rich with summer migrants as are the adjacent mudflats and river banks. Included with these are Banded and Black-winged Stilt and Red-necked Avocet. Other residents include Sooty and Pied Oystercatcher, Slender-billed Thornbill, Hooded Plover, Australian Pelican, Black Swan and a variety of Cormorant and Duck. Parrots include Elegant, Red-rumped and occasionally Rock. These areas are also great for White-winged Fairywren. 

For a full list of Birds in the Adelaide region - 

Guided Birding in South Australia

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